
10 Benefits of GROUND Asia Programs

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The unique learning opportunities offered by educational travel can leave a lifelong legacy. Here are 10 reasons why you should choose GROUND Asia as your student travel provider.

Sri Lanka Ground Asia

The most authentic and rustic ways to experience Sri Lanka


Our student groups get off the beaten path in Sri Lanka to discover the most authentic and rustic experiences that student travel has to offer.

Off the beaten track in Pu Luong Title

Off the beaten track in Pu Luong

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Our educational program through Northern Vietnam offers student the chance to get off the beaten track as they explore the mountainous region of Pu Luong.

Rehash Trash

The Rehash Trash

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Rehash Trash workshop is the Green Gecko project’s new social enterprise which provides job for unemployed Cambodian women whilst also helping clean up the Cambodian environment

Demini Cambodia - APOPO center

Demining Cambodia – APOPO center


If you’re on your way between Siem Reap and the Angkor temples, you should have a quick halfway stop to visit APOPO – Humanitarian Demining Center.

Elephant activities with GROUND Thailand

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Thai people have had a close relationship with elephants for a long time and historically elephants were used for heavy labour work, and also even used in wars. In Thailand they are so much a part of life for many people that we sing many songs about them. Learn more about elephant activities and our stand.
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Indonesia Coral Triangle and Marine Ecosystem

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Have you ever heard about World Coral Triangle? World Coral Triangle is a geographical term for triangular marine waters near Pacific Ocean that embraces the most extraordinary diversity of coral reef fish species. It also becomes home for 76% of all known coral species in the world.
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Service learning project at Kampong Kleang


Our service learning projects last between 4 to 6 days, depending on the size and the budget of the group. During those days, the group is not just involved in the physical work.

Orangutang 1

Meet Orangutan in Indonesia’s Borneo

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Do you know the meaning of ‘orangutan’? Orangutan is derived from two words in Malay and Indonesian language, ‘orang’ means person, and ‘utan’ means forest. Literally, orangutan means ‘people of the forest’. Therefore, these great apes are found in tropical forests, namely in two big islands of Indonesia: Sumatra and Kalimantan (also known as Borneo).
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House warming Ceremony in Cambodia

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A Cambodian tradition is to celebrate a new house with a house warming ceremony. This ceremony is celebrated for the house owner who just built a new house or just bought a new house. People celebrate this because they believe it will bring good luck, happiness and get rid of any bad spirits, and also show to the other villagers that they are the owner of that new house. Read more