How Can Educational Travel in Asia Inspire Your IB Extended Essay?

As we develop our students into independent thinkers with a drive to blaze their own paths and answer their own questions, we must provide them with the excellent source material. Our educational travel programs do just that while working with rural communities. Together, all parties involved will actively create measurable change with limited time and resources.

Tips for Responsible Travel in Asia


Since most groups traveling with Khiri Campus already plan to volunteer a good portion of their trip at one of our many local community development projects, we would like to give our travelers some food for thought before going overseas. When visiting countries that we are unfamiliar with, the idea of responsible traveling is a common courtesy that is often forgotten when people go on vacation.

Community Development in Siem Reap, Cambodia


Kampong Kleang is located approximately 50 kilometers south of Siem Reap. The community is made of ten floating villages built on stilts. These floating houses are on the Tonle Sap lake, which floods annually: the lake overflows during the monsoon season and drains back into the Mekong River for the rest of the year.


Kindergarten Development Project in Chom Thong, Thailand


One of our ongoing community service learning projects focuses on Baan Boon Na in northern Thailand.


Benefits of Experiential Learning


Experiential learning provides students with real experiences outside the classroom from which they can develop lifelong practical skills and adapt quickly and pragmatically in problematic or unfamiliar situations.

Travel Journal Writing

Tips for Journal Writing When Traveling Abroad

At Khiri Campus, we work closely with educators and students to customise meaningful community service projects. We believe keeping a journal while studying abroad benefits students.

Responsible Traveler Training

Responsible Traveler Training

For the past three months, all of our Khiri Campus staff have been involved in refining our Responsible Traveler training manual, and we are now delighted to share some of it with you.

Five Benefits for Teachers Traveling with Students Main (1)

Five Benefits for Teachers Traveling with Students | Khiri Campus

Five reasons we believe joining one of our customized educational high school and university travel programs will be a positive move for your career.

The Benefits of Switching off Smartphones on a GROUND Asia Program

The Benefits of Switching Off Smartphones on a Khiri Campus Program | Khiri Campus

From being more observant to engaging more with people in the local communities, these are the main benefits we see from students switching off their smartphones.

Community Development & Cultural Studies in Mai Chau

Community Development and Cultural Studies in Mai Chau | Khiri Campus

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While taking part in our community service learning program in Mai Chau, students can take part in a development project while experiencing the local way of life.