Community Development in Yogyakarta, Indonesia | Khiri Campus
Kulon Progo Regency is located on the west part of Yogyakarta, Java Island, Indonesia. Event hough this area has the lowest living standard compared to the other regions in Yogyakarta Province, Kulon Progo has the most valuable treasure to help its development: their youth activism.
The youth in Kulon Progo realize their potential and important role to develop their region so they take part in making a real action.

One of the prominent youth lady in Kulon progo is Lia Andarina Grasia. She started a community program that helps students to learn English. She engages government, local communities and education institutions as well as international volunteers to join the education movement in Kulon Progo.

Collaborating with Lia, Khiri Campus offers you a life-changing activity that lets you contribute to helping the local community in Kulon Progo.