Making Balinese Daily Offering | Khiri Campus
The majority of Bali’s population is Hindu. In practice, they perform various ceremonies and rituals. One of them which they do daily – three times a day – is to make offerings called ‘canang sari‘.
Canang sari is an offering to their Almighty God as an expression of gratitude. Canang sari usually consists of a container, which is made of woven coconut leaves, and filled with various ingredients such as rice, flowers, fruit, and spices. All of these ingredients have different colors and each color symbolizes one of their Gods, for example red flower represents Brahma and blue or green flower represents Vishnu. When presented, it usually also contains incense. The philosophy of the offering is self-sacrifice because it takes time and effort to prepare it daily.

When you visit the island of Bali, you will find this type of offering in the temples, prayer places in every house, in a vehicle, even on the streets and beaches. We should appreciate this offering and should not walk on it.

Making canang sari is a very interesting cultural experience. Let’s join Khiri Campus’s projects on this island so you can learn how to make canang sari as well as immerse yourself in the local way of living!