Healthcare placement

Practical ECG Training – Healthcare Placements in Indonesia

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Indonesia’s diverse geographical condition, ranging from mountains to coastal areas, causes a wide variety of health conditions, and the lifestyles and diets of people from different ethnic backgrounds also have a unique impact on public wellbeing.

Peace Village and Rehab Hospital Healthcare Placement 1

Peace Village and Rehab Hospital Healthcare Placements in Vietnam

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Community development is Khiri Campus’s first priority and we take care to ensure all of our university placements and educational travel programs are both sustainable and responsible.

Environmental Studies in Indonesia Features

Environmental Studies in Indonesia


Among our many educational travel programs, our environmental studies placement in Indonesia provides insights into the bridge between culture & the environment.

GROUND Asia staff training & team building

Khiri Campus Staff Training and Team Building | Khiri Campus


A sneak peek of Khiri Campus training and team building workshop in Mai Chau, in April 2019.

main First BioMed Placement in Sri Lanka

Khiri Campus Welcomes First BioMed Placement in Sri Lanka

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Sri Lanka is one of the newest additions to GROUND Asia, providing educational travel programs for university and high school students across the country.

Hero Baby Turtles

Releasing baby turtles with the Turtle Conservation Center in Bali

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Our student groups get hands-on conservation experience releasing baby turtles with the Turtle Conservation and Education Center in Bali.

Sri Lanka : Wildlife

Spot the Leopard : Madara’s top tips

Yala, has the highest density of leopard population in the world. It was also declared a wildlife sanctuary in 1990 and is the most visited national park in Sri Lanka.


Why my art-appreciation-schedule is always full in Yogyakarta


What can I do after office hours? I respond to this question very easily as a resident of Yogyakarta: watching shows or visiting art exhibitions.

Staying Safe in an Earthquake I Ground Asia

Staying Safe in an Earthquake: Yoana’s Top Tips

Our GROUND Tour Director Indonesia, Yoana, provides us some top tips for you to think about if you visit an earthquake-prone country or are in a disaster situation.

Houy Haouy school in laos

Houy Haouy school projects in Laos

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Khiri Campus Laos’ Sone has been in the south of Laos in Pakse since 2008 and loves local villages and communities around there.