Community work in Sambor Prei Kuk, Cambodia


Sambor Prei Kuk or Isanborei Community is in Kampong Thom province, on the main road between Siem Reap and Phnom Penh. It used to be a capital city during the 7th century. These ancient temple ruins are now an archaeological site in the central area of Cambodia.

This area is a rural area with a few tourists. There are about 5,787 people living in this community. People there don’t have much income, the main work is manual like planting crops, making rice, raising animals andmore.Some of the local community also make handicrafts (like silk waving, stone carving, and basket waving).

Isanborei is a beautiful rural countryside community and their lifestyle is still very traditional. Visitors with GROUND have the opportunity to be part of local daily life by staying at local homestays, cycling over rural roads through villages, enjoying authentic Cambodian food and trying your hand at various handicrafts, learning to cook Cambodian food and more.

Despite some development of tourism in the area, many villagers still suffer from poverty. Some of their housing conditions are still very poor and need reconstruction to provide them with a good means to live for their family.

Isanborei Construction Program has benefited the community by providing some basic reconstruction to housing to help marginalized villagers such as widows or disabled people improve their standard of living. GROUND groups will help to build new houses, improve the condition of toilets and guest rooms so more families can welcome travelers and increase their income through a micro-business.


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