Thai New Year – Songkran

Songkran is a Thai New Year. It’s celebrated in Thailand every year from 13 – 15 April and during Songkran you will get water splashed on you everywhere you go. 

In the past, we celebrated Songkran on the first day by visiting the temple and pouring water on the Buddha statue – this is for cleaning, purifying your soul, and having a fresh start for the new year.

Then we visit the elders within our families to pay respects by pouring water over their hands and getting a blessing from them. After that we are free to celebrate Songkran with friends, relatives or strangers but in a very gentle way – like sprinkling water or wiping powder on other’s faces.

These days Songkran festival is quite well known and people have changed their way of celebrating – they have big water fights and entertain each other in funnier ways.  If you come to Thailand during this period prepare yourself by protecting your valuable stuff such as a phone, wallet, and passport in something waterproof.

You can also protect your eyes by wearing goggles and avoid sun burn by wearing long sleeves or sun block – it’s the hottest time of the year, so the water is refreshing! Then, once you are prepared, you are ready to join the fun!


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