Physiotherapy treatment in Friendship Village, Vietnam

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Australian students who came all the way from Melbourne had a great learning experience in Vietnam as they participated in physiotherapy treatment in Friendship village, Hanoi.

Friendship village was founded in 1998 by George Mizo, an American Vietnam war veteran, and his former opponents. The veterans, who fought on opposing sides, now work together to reduce the suffering of victims.  Its duty is to take care of, treat and rehabilitate both former soldiers’ children and veterans affected by Agent Orange/Dioxin during the war in Vietnam, who are facing many difficult conditions in their lives.

In general, most of the veterans feel pain in their back and shoulders, which is a result of participating in the war a long time ago. Kids have a variety of issues both mentally and physically: difficulty in talking, walking or doing personal activities…

Veterans and children felt happy to have volunteers visit and help them do physiotherapy, rehabilitation as well as instruct them exercises so that they can practice on their own. Beside working hours, volunteer students also spent time playing volleyball with veterans as well as do gardening.

On the last day, Hanoi Television channel visited Friendship village and made a short report about volunteer’s work as well as their feelings when working there.


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